의사당대로 1번지 구내 식단표

by yunziri

Food & Drink


It displays the menu of the restaurant at 1 Uisang-daero intuitively with an alarm.One of the cafeterias inside the National AssemblyMain building 1 restaurantHall 1 RestaurantHall 2 RestaurantHall 3 RestaurantLibrary cafeteriaMuseum RestaurantAlarm notifies you before mealsYou can share about food in the comments.There is also a collection of popular articles for those who eat alone.* This app is not the official app for the National Assembly cafeteriaData source: https://www.assembly.go.kr/portal/bbs/B0000054/list.do?pageIndex=1&menuNo=600100&sdate=&edate=&searchDtGbn=c0&pageUnit=10&pageIndex=1&cl1Cd=AN01DisclaimerThis app uses data provided by the National Assembly on the diet bulletin board.This is for reference to the cafeteria within the National Assembly and is not related to any responsibility related to the cafeteria.